Full Power Pony 小马仔全电动叉车

Full Power Pony 小马仔全电动叉车

Hello everyone! We’re excited to introduce you to our latest product, the #小马仔200kgs 1.6m高货架! 🎉🙌🚀

This high-quality product is perfect for businesses and individuals looking to improve their daily operations and make their lives easier. With a lifting capacity of up to 200kgs and a height of 1.6m, the #小马仔 is perfect for moving and storing heavy items, saving you time and reducing physical strain.

Not only is this product a great investment for your business or personal use, but it also contributes to a cleaner and friendlier environment. By using the #小马仔, you can reduce the need for manual labor and improve efficiency, saving you time and energy. Plus, its electric motor means no harmful emissions, making it an environmentally-friendly option.

We understand that some of you may be hesitant about using equipment like this, but we want to emphasize the importance and ease of doing so. By using the #小马仔, you can streamline your operations, reduce physical strain, and improve your overall efficiency. Plus, with its electric motor, you can save on fuel costs and do your part in helping the environment.

So whether you’re a business owner or an individual looking to improve your daily chores, the #小马仔200kgs 1.6m高货架 is the perfect solution. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to place an order today! 💪💯

#ElectricLift #HighQuality #EnvironmentallyFriendly #Efficiency #Productivity #Investment

Fairy Walkies 小仙子全电动步行式叉车

This is the introduction video for our Fairy Full Auto walkies Stacker. It will let us easily understand its operation and we are sure to fall in love with its friendly characteristic. Fairy Walkies is recommended for confine warehouse space within 5000sq/ft or you can add it in as a budget spare unit to facilitate daily operations and cost.
#小仙子全电动步行式叉车 🧚‍♀️产品介绍视频。让大家更快更容易的了解它,喜欢它💘



Hello everyone! Today, we want to introduce you to our newest addition, the #小精灵骑站立式叉车! 🎉🙌🚀

This standing electric forklift is perfect for those looking to improve their daily operations and contribute to a cleaner environment. With its compact design, it can easily navigate through tight spaces and make quick work of lifting and moving materials. Plus, its electric motor means no harmful emissions, making it a great choice for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

We understand that many of you may still be hesitant about using equipment like this, but we want to stress the importance and ease of doing so. By using our #小精灵骑站立式叉车, you can save time, reduce physical strain, and improve your overall efficiency. Plus, with its electric motor, you can save on fuel costs and do your part in helping the environment.

So, whether you are a small business owner or a large-scale enterprise, our #小精灵骑站立式叉车 is a valuable investment that can help you streamline your operations, improve your efficiency, and contribute to a cleaner environment. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to place an order today! 💪💯

#ElectricForklift #StandingForklift #EnvironmentallyFriendly #Efficiency #Productivity #Investment

#小精灵骑站立式叉车🧚🏼‍♂️ 视频show给老爷老板娘们看看 这款好用的仓库插货好帮手 它身小 可以当做叉车来用 就是sibeh Hong Bian Lah
这小精灵充一次电可用几天哦 维护🔧费用也是低低的
操作简单easy cake 女生也可容易驾驽哦😍

#中小企业的小福星 AC电小象


Hello everyone! We are excited to share with you a video of our Jumbo AC Semi Power Stacker in action! 🎉🙌🚀

As you can see in the video, our stacker is designed to make your daily chores easier and more efficient. It can handle up to 1 ton of weight and has a lifting height of up to 8 meters, making it perfect for use in various settings such as warehouses, factories, and supermarkets.

We understand that many of you may still be hesitant about using equipment like this, but we want to stress the importance and ease of doing so. By using our Jumbo AC Semi Power Stacker, you can save time, reduce physical strain, and increase productivity. Plus, our stacker is designed with safety features to ensure that you can operate it with confidence.

So, whether you are a small business owner or a large-scale enterprise, our Jumbo AC Semi Power Stacker is a valuable investment that can help you streamline your operations and achieve your goals. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to place an order today! 💪💯

#JumboAC #SemiPowerStacker #Efficiency #Productivity #Investment

#中小企业的小福星 AC电小象可让新的店面 小货仓容易拥有。 售价才3千多起 价廉物美 现在让大家更快更容易的了解它,喜欢它💘爱上它用上它 😘 看下视频就明白了
这款是我们最多顾客询问及购买的热销款式。 简直就是 #中小企业的小福星 它构造简单 刻苦耐劳💪🏼 以及其极耐操的为你搬货 可谓世间少有😍

What is a Stacker Truck and how it can help Us?

Small Mouse 小老鼠
Small Mouse 小老鼠

In any warehouse or loading bay, there’s going to be a lot of heavy lifting to be done. While we might pride ourselves on how much we can carry, when it comes to moving pallets up to a ton in weight, it’s about time to use some lifting equipment.

If you’re wondering, “what’s the best tool for moving heavy pallets?” then you’re in the right place. At Ace Power Equipment Store, we’re here to guide and inform you – so you can feel fully confident in the equipment you use at work.

Hydraulic and winch pallet stackers, or stacker trucks, might be precisely what you need to get things moving in your industry. This article will explain what they are, what they do, and how they could become a vital part of your workplace arsenal.

And if you still have questions by the end of the article, then contact a member of our ACE team, and they happily will fill you in on anything else that you’re unsure about.

Manual pallet stackers are a tool used for the lifting and raising of heavy loads. They can generally carry loads of up to 3 ton, making carrying larger items and heavily stacked pallets much easier. Made with either hydraulic pumps or winches, they also allow you to raise these heavy items, generally up to 1600mm. Some stackers are even designed to be used together with ladders for loading and unloading to and from higher storage units.

Often stacker trucks will be fitted with smooth steerable wheels, permitting you to transport large items around the workplace with relative ease. These wheels will sometimes be designed with sturdy brakes, giving you total security when you stop to load or unload your stacker.

And then there are Mini Stackers, which generally carry loads of up to 200kg. These can be very handy in work environments that require lots of lighter weight industrial lifting to and from delivery trucks and domestic lifting tasks like moving house.

Most stackers act much like forklifts, designed with forks that lock into pallets so that you can raise them off the ground. Once the forks are locked into the pallet, or the load is stacked on top of the forks, lifting is achieved through the use of a hydraulic pump or winch.

In a hydraulic manual stacker, you use a pump-activated lever that activates a jack to raise the forks off the ground. The hydraulics in these stackers are optimized by high-quality seal kits that also help keep them safe and secure.

On the other hand, you also have winch-operated pallet stackers. These stacker trucks are operated by turning winches that are attached to either link chains or strong wire cables. A winch pallet stacker can often lift and lower loads quicker than the hydraulic variety, and they are fitted with special brakes to reduce the risk of accidental lowering, giving you complete control.

You can also get stackers with tables in place of the forks, offering a larger surface area onto which you can load items, some of which use scissor lift mechanisms. However, they can also be a little trickier when handling pallets, as forks can make purchases in the gaps between planks that tables cannot.

It’s also worth noting that some stacker trucks are semi-electric, doing the hard part for you and making lifting easier than ever.

Now that you have a handle on what a stacker truck is and how it works, it’s time to look at some of the ones we offer. It’s all well knowing what a tool does, but a picture can paint a thousand words.

Here we have compiled a few examples of both hydraulic and winch pallet stackers, featuring a few key details about each of them.

aceLifter Small Mouse Stacker with Adjustable Forks & Platform


Key Features:

Ideal for loading and unloading from shelves, vans, cars, and trucks
200kg or 400kg available capacity
Winch operated

aceLifter Hydraulic Jumbo Manual Stacker Truck

Key Features:

Controlled lowering
500kg-3000kg available capacity
Hydraulics can be operated with both foot and hand pump

aceLifter Jumbo AC Semi-Power Electric Stacker


Key Features:

Electric lift functionality
1000kg/2000kg/3000kgs capacity
Adjustable forks


Now that you know what a stacker truck does, how they work, and what you’re looking for, it’s important to understand how to use one safely.

Here are 5 key tips for safe stacking!

1. Make sure the truck is in order – look for signs of wear and tear to ensure safety.

2. Avoid ramps – carrying heavy loads up and down ramps can lead to accidents, so avoid them when you can!

3. Pull rather than push – pulling allows for better control over your truck.

4. Follow the load limit – the capacity is there for a reason, so don’t overload your stacker.

5. Use your brakes – again, they are there for a reason, so don’t feel the need to rush.

Now that you understand what a stacker truck is, what they do, how they do it, and how to use them safely, it’s time to decide for yourself if it’s what you need.

Offering easy solutions to heavy lifting tasks, pallet stackers are a staple in warehouses and workplaces all over the World. If you are dealing with heavy loads regularly, perhaps it’s time to make a move and invest in one.